Thought Leadership

Stay home (and work on saving the planet)

Published on
March 27, 2020
The Provenance Team
“We are intimately interconnected with nature, whether we like it or not. If we don’t take care of nature, we can’t take care of ourselves.” – Inger Anderson, Director of the UN Environment

This crisis has exposed how truly connected we all are. Many are sick and many more are experiencing anxiety and uncertainty. We must look after ourselves and each other. Most importantly, we must protect the vulnerable. This crisis has demonstrated just how reliant we are on the networks that we take for granted. From health, transport, food and other key infrastructure that quietly ticks along in the background – we’re now seeing them stripped to the bone.The very fabric of our resources and livelihoods has been shaken up. In negative ways; so many are ill and suffering. So many of our small businesses and vulnerable workforce are being forced to slow or close - threatening livelihoods near and far. But also, in positive ways; we are becoming a more conscious society, and can look to rebuild our supply networks and communities for a more sustainable future.

Building a better future

“Data should enable me to make more informed personal choices, and also to hold government accountable for its decisions.” – Yuval Noah Harari

This time of change gives us an opportunity to be selfless. We can roll up our sleeves to help someone vulnerable and also to look forward to rebalancing the planet. Redesigning commerce with more consideration for social and environmental impact. We have the technology to support a world where small doesn’t fail in a time of crisis.While the Provenance team works from home and looks for ways to support our local communities and industries remotely, know that our commitment to people and the planet continues to drive us. As such, we’re even more relentless in our efforts to help businesses of all sizes improve their impact and continue to push for public transparency, so we can all understand more about the world around us.

Connecting with each other

We’re also looking to support our community of brands, partners and conscious citizens who want to discuss and learn more about a range of topics from our team of consultants and guest experts.That’s why every Wednesday at 5pm GMT we will be hosting an open digital meetup around a key impact theme (via video and social media). Ensuring we support each other during this time of need and, for those that can, let’s make real plans to tackle the barriers to building a more resilient and balanced relationship between people and the planet. We can’t wait to put our heads together on some of the problems facing society, so we emerge from the crisis with plans for a safer, more transparent world where impact-led behaviour wins.Stay healthy and stay home,  Jessi and the Provenance team

The Provenance Team

Provenance is setting a new global standard for consumer sustainability, by validating and amplifying sustainability credentials throughout the customer journey. Provenance’s platform enables businesses to be transparent about their impact, so that they can reduce the risk of greenwashing, realise their sustainability ambitions and future-proof their market share. 200+ leading CPG businesses are using Provenance to communicate their sustainability credentials, including Cult Beauty, The Ordinary, The Nue Co, Shiseido, BELU, Arla and Napolina.

The Provenance Team

Provenance powers sustainability claims you can trust. The global leader in sustainability marketing technology, Provenance helps brands and retailers share credible, compelling and fact-checked social and environmental impact information at the point of sale. Provenance’s technology is already increasing conversion rates, brand value and market share for customers including Cult Beauty, Douglas, GANNI, Napolina, Arla and Unilever

Find eco-conscious partners for your next social campaign

Read our curated list of sustainability-focused social media personalities in beauty and well-being, household and food and drink.